We all understand the benefits in getting our pet’s microchipped. It is the best way of being reunited with our precious furry friends if they manage to get out or stray. The microchip itself only holds a unique number (no other details) which is linked to all of your contact details at a national data base.
As such, it is crucial to ensure that the database at which your pet is registered holds your current details. Please ensure you update them as soon as possible after any change of address or telephone number. If you re-home your pet you are also required to declare a change of ownership. “Central Animal Records” is the database that we work with. Interestingly there is more than one data base in Australia although all data bases share contact information as a legal requirement. Any data base will be able to assist you even if your pets details are not registered with them.
If you log on to www.petaddress.com.au and type in your pets unique microchip number, it will give you the contact details for that registry. If you are unsure if your pet is microchipped or do not know their number you may bring them in to us to be scanned.