With the start of a new season, similarly to their human counterparts our canine friends may suffer from allergies. Suffering from allergies and being itchy is very unpleasant to the point that some pets won’t even eat or play. If this is the case with your furry friend, please make an appointment with a veterinarian so that we can formulate a treatment plan or maintenance regime to keep them comfortable.

Whilst we all may think allergies are associated with pollens, and in some cases they are, we must remember that allergens can be in the form of diet, dust mites or fleas too. It is important that owners keep up to date with the application of flea preventatives. These are available at Forest Hill Veterinary Hospital in the form of top spot on applications or oral tablets. They can also be in combination with intestinal and heartworm prevention. Our friendly nurses and vets at FHVH can discuss the different products with you and tailor treatments to your pets’ needs.

With flea allergy dermatitis it is important to stop the flea cycle and reduce the production of larvae. At FHVH we recommend regular flea preventatives are applied to your pets as well as washing all bedding that the pet may sleep on in at least 60 degrees celcius and this bedding is then either dried in direct sunlight or in the drier. All pets in the household need flea prevention, not just the pets that have fleas on them. Sometimes the use of a flea bomb is also recommended as long as you and Fido are out of the house.

Let’s not forget about cats, they too can suffer from allergies, so if Garfield is itchy an examination by a veterinarian is warranted. Please note DO NOT use dog flea prevention on your cat! It can be toxic.